- Welcome: Bishop Tim Bangerter
- Presiding: President Shane Smoot
- Opening Hymn: Redeemer of Israel (Nick played the organ today--COOL!)
- Sacrament Hymn: Jesus, Once of Humble Birth
- Youth Speakers: Lisha Mortensen and Bradon Bangerter
- Musical Number: "I Know that My Redeemer Lives" -- Marilyn Anderson played a violin solo accompanied by Tamara Kirkham
- Farewell Speech: Anthony Smith
- Closing Hymn: Hark All Ye Nations
Family Gathering at our home; Visitors included: Grandpa & Grandma Kohkonen, Aunt Pauliina's Family, Aunt Lani's Family, Grandpa Smith, Uncle Rob's Family, Aunt Coleen's Family, Uncle Bruce, Anthony's Lacrosse Buddies and School Friends, Ward Members, the Bishop's Family, and Family Friends--the Seljaas and Rosemann Families. Great-Grandma Kohkonen and Aunt Carol & Uncle Craig were unable to attend due to sickness.
Family History Moment: During the sacrament meeting today, Grandpa and Grandma Kohkonen recognized Sister Anderson when she began to play the violin solo, "I Know that My Redeemer Lives.". Sister Anderson's husband was the mission president in Finland several years ago when Great-Grandpa and Grandma Kohkonen were serving a labor mission in Finland. In Great-Grandma's history, she records that after one of the chapels in Finland had been constructed, they held a special dedication meeting and Sister Anderson played a violin solo, "I Know that My Redeemer Lives"! Larry and Kim were unaware of this connection. Larry asked Sister Anderson to perform during a sacrament meeting and it fortunately worked out that she was available on this day. What an awesome memory for Anthony and family!